Posted by: downtothesea | March 24, 2010

It’s not a popularity contest! Oh wait, it is.

I recently stumbled across a great newspaper article in the Niagara Falls Gazette from September 27, 1893 describing in fantastic detail the events of St. Mary’s (Our Lady of the Cataract) church fair.  This church is of particular interest to me because it was the parish of all of my Irish immigrant ancestors and their families in Niagara Falls, NY, right up to my grandmother.

The article, though interesting in its own right, provided this fantastic and unexpected genealogy gem:

That’s right:  my great-grandmother Nellie Gavin, who was just sweet sixteen years of age at the time, won St. Mary’s popularity contest!  I have so few young photos of my great-grandmother, and none of her as a teenager, so I’ll proudly repost the wonderful photo I have of her from 1911, with her beloved husband and son.

Congratulations, Great-Grandma Nell!


  1. Wow, she won by a mile! And you can see why.

  2. That is a Gem and she knocked it out of the park 😉

  3. Isn’t that neat!!

    May you keep sharing your ancestor stories!

    Bill 😉
    Author of “13 Ways to Tell Your Ancestor Stories”

  4. This is so great…one of the neat little details that makes genealogy so rewarding. Thanks for sharing on this *popular* topic.

  5. Don’t you just love it when some little thing like a newspaper article appears and you learn more about an ancestor?!!! Congratulations on your find and thank you for sharing it.

  6. I have given you the “Ancestor Approved” award that is going around because YOU are doing your ancestor’s proud. You can pick up your award here…

  7. Hi, I just nominated you for the Geneabloggers Ancestor Approved Award

    Have a great day!

    Betty T

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